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The Flag Bulletin

The Flag Bulletin: The International Journal of Vexillology has been the primary source since 1961 for those who are serious about learning all aspects of flag history, symbolism, usage, and design. Published bimonthly, it provides in-depth illustrated articles on flags of every era, area, and type. Each issue is documented and thorough. Overwhelmingly, the material published is found in no other source. Each volume includes an annual index and a cumulative index is published every ten years.

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#66 the vexillum and the cross of St. George / flags of Eastern Mongolia / flag serials of the world

The Flag Bulletin.

The Flag Bulletin.

The Flag Bulletin.

The Flag Bulletin.

The Flag Bulletin.


#67 West Virginia / Espirito Santo / Tavolara Principality / East Timor / Iroquois Confederacy symbols
#68 Martha’s Vineyard / Nantucket / Cabinda / Tigrai / Caprivi / Ovambo / Djibouti / Azores / Madeira
#69 Kwazulu / Seychelles / Libya / Spain / Aragon / Basque Lands / coat of arms of Aruba / reviews
#70 new flags of Ponape and Bophuthatswana / flag usage in Britain / Manipur State banners
#73 new Northern Territory symbols / Maranhão / 19th century Fiji flags / Canal Zone / Third World flag
#74 Bethel flag / British Empire flag / Faroe Islands symbols / Tuvalu / Solomon Islands
#75 Dominica, Tuvalu, Sri Lanka / Republic of Moroc-Songhrati Meads / proposed Canadian flags
#76 Jura / Kenya / Kampuchea / Micronesia / Afghanistan / Pakhtunistan / Comoros / half-masting
#77 Kingdom of Mosquitia / Sri Lanka / military badge flags / Caprivi / Equatorial Guinea / Qwaqwa
#79 Swedish flag history / new flags of five Pacific nations / Pope John Paul II / Mato Grosso do Sul
#80 flags over the Americas, 1500-1667, with 98 illustrations based on original sources
#81 symbols of peace and pacifism / new flags of Zimbabwe Rhodesia / Azerbaijani flags
#82 Rexist flags of Belgium / new national flags of Southern Rhodesia, Azores, and Saint Vincent
#83 design of the first Stars and Stripes / new flags of Equatorial Guinea and Truk / XV Islands flag
#98 Isle of Jersey flag and coat of arms history since 1711 / revised Soviet Republic flags
#101 Sandinista flags / US “small boat flags” / new Liechtenstein and Ciskei flags and arms
#105 Brunei flag history / vexillology and patriotism / vexillological associations / Flagplan 2011
#107 Royal Air Force flags / Austrian flags / Quebec flag history / USTTPI / RSA president
#109 lance pennons from German and Indian states, Poyais, Rhodesia, and 56 other countries
#121 religion and the US flag salute / national and royal flags of Lesotho / Brown University
#126 La Rioja/Goa/Canada/Mount Athos/Byelorussian S.S.R. symbols
#127 Flags of Queen Elizabeth / Australian flags 1788-1988 / Christmas Island / Southern Cross
#128 US flag in presidential politics – articles by Scot Guenter, Whitney Smith, and Pat Buchanan
#129 Sarawak (North Borneo) flag history 1841-1988 / Afghanistan, United States Senate flags
#131 Solomon Islands national and provincial flags / Thailand / British Columbia / 9 other countries
#133 Cambodian flags / South Sudan / Prince James’ flag / Turkish banners / State of Judea
#134 Bailiwick of Guernsey flags and arms 1279-1985 / Senegambia / Scania / New Zealand flags
#138 Kuwait flags 1867-1990 / Emperor Charles VI’s banner / UNITA Angolan symbols / Mindanao
#139 Palau state flags / Latin American flag changes / Scot Guenter on flag riots / Gagauz SSR
#143 Anguilla flags and arms 1957-1991 / Sawhaj symbols / 31 national flag changes 1990-1991
#147 Confederate-era Tennessee flags / Mongolia / Canadian Francophone flags / Dahomey
#148 new national arms and flags in the former Soviet Union, Abkhazia through Kaliningrad
#149 new national arms and flags in the former Soviet Union, Kalmykia through Zelenchuk-Urupsk
#150 flags of Corsica, Schwarzenberg, the Conch Republic, Kugelmugel, State of Jefferson, others
#152 Ottfried Neubecker, the man and his work (illustrated with 17 unusual flags from his files)
#153 Vietnam war flag disputes / new flags of Afghanistan, Albania, Brazil, Crimea, and six others
#154 Polish national, military, and naval flags / flags of Chuuk, Palestine, South Africa, and Italy
#155 53 flag questions from readers – flags of Nubia, Voortrekkers, Braille, Cape Cod, ecology, etc.
#156 the 1928-1994 South African flag – the battle to create it (including alternative proposals)
#157 battle streamers, their history, usage, and designs / changing emphases in flag books
#158 creating an interim South African national flag – proposed designs and political disputes
#159 flags of Yorkshire, pirates, French-Indo China, Bikini, Guadeloupe, Kotah, Germany 1945, etc.
#160 old and new flags for Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, Ciskei, Walvis Bay, and South Africa
#161 flags of the Comoros 1833-1994 / the arms and flag of Augsburg / flag of the Arab Maghreb
#163 flags and signals of the Texas Navy / German district flags / computers and vexillology
#166 Irish revolt banners of 1641-1642 / the 1864 Damara national flag / from glyph to flag
#169 Christ’s banner of victory / Athens / Norwegian flag etiquette / Eritrea flag history 1952-1996
#170 20th century flags and coats of arms of Ethiopia—imperial, revolutionary, and Marxist
#171 Vanuatu / Tuvalu national flag history and changes / 1863 Guernsey flag / bibliography
#172 Côtes-d’Armor symbols / flags on the internet / Nagasaki / Padania / European ships / etc.
#173 civic flags including medieval Florence, South Africa, Barcelona, Cyprus, USA, etc.
#174 bees on flags and arms / heraldic banners in Canada / Rosebud Indian symbols / Comoros
#175 Isle of Man flags 1250-1997 / Rosicrucian flags / Tuvalu / Roerich flag / William G. Crampton
#176 500 years of Congo flag history—1512-1665 flag, Congo Free State, Independence flag, Zaire
#178 flags and arms of Princess Diana / the Union Jack little known facts (etiquette, usage, design)
#179 flag usage of the Barbary States / maritime flags and the law / maritime flag usage / USSB flag
#180 symbols of Italian East Africa / Gorizia 1001-1467 / the Philippines / Hampton Roads / Venice
#181 Rockall / Kingdom of Westphalia / British Antarctic Territory / Israel: the red versus blue conflict
#182 Anjouan flags / Irish county and provincial flags / Bougainville / hands on flags / Italy / Comoros
#183 Counani flags and arms / Venice banners / the French Community standard / Independent Guyana
#185 Attila the Hun / Confederate flags / pirate flags / Pomerania / Hungary / New England / Benevento
#187 Papal Swiss Guard banners / flags of the Millennium / the Smithsonian’s Confederate flags
#188 Lord Howe Island flag / Scottish Union Jack / flag halyard clips / Catholic church banners and arms
#189 postal flags of Inner Mongolia, Manchuria, China, and Japan since1871 / six flags over Texas
#190 flags of South Vietnam—national, military, minority ethnic, political, religious, etc. / Faroe Islands
#191 evolution of the sacred flag and the modern nation-state / the banner of St. George at Agincourt
#192 a newly-discovered 1707 version of the Union Jack / alternate versions of the Christian flag
#193 the flags of FIAV / limitations on flag usage in the USA / a Southern Rhodesian flag dispute
#194 banners and arms of the Philippines 1935-1945 / rainbow flag / Toronto / national symbols of Swat
#196 Puerto Rican flags 1868-2000 / Festival of Britain / Korean unity flag / Confederate navy signals
#197 Nazi and Communist flags – semiotic and psychophysiological dynamics of totalitarian symbols
#198 Xinjiang (East Turkistan) / Shetland Islands flag / Fiji flag custom / Civilian Conservation Corps
#199 Star-Spangled Banner hidden history / Turkmenistan / 1790 Franconian flag / Guyana USA flag
#200 civic flag design traditions across the world / can vexillology be considered a science?
#202 flags of southern Scandinavia / Royal Canadian Mounted Police / flags of Monaco since 1339
#204 Sultanate of M’Simbati / modern Fiji flags / Azad Kashmir symbols / St. John Ambulance Brigade
#205 early American flags--the Forster flag (the oldest known American flag) / two Newbury flags
#206 flags of New England / East Timor flags / symbols of Occussi-Ambeno / an old pine tree flag
#207 Timor-Leste / flags of the Danish West Indies / The Flag Heritage Foundation / 1669 Papal flag
#208 African Union symbols / flag of the Amhara region (Ethiopia) / flags of Genoa 930 CE-2002
#209 new symbols of Ceylon (1953) / Tristan da Cunha / Republic of Santa Cruz / Western Somalia
#210 flags of Peru / 1927-1958 flags of Yemen / flags of Bahrain and the Persian Gulf since 1810
#211 traditional states in Ghana and their symbols since 1482 / a flag for the Kingdom of Ashanti
#212 the State of Georgia—the art and politics of its state flags and seals since 1799
#213 national, ecclesiastical and military flags of the Papal States, 1800-1870 / the flag of Viterbo
#214 checkered jacks of 17th century England / the earliest vexillological associations 1930-1960
#215 the US Supreme Court and the desecration of the United States flag / Communist Party flags
#216 the flag of East Greenland / flag terminology—medieval, modern, heraldic, and defamatory
#217 flags of the British Republic / identifying a coat of arms / specialized US Civil War flags
#218 Bequia, St. Barts, and other “brag flags” / Italo-American symbols / a modern pirate flag
#219 the Suvadiva Republic / collecting flag books / favorite flag charts / vexillobibliophilia
#220 German eagles / colors of Islam / Waziristan / Kniphausen / Rio Grande Republic / patriotism
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